Patient Information

Please click here to access TDC's patient portal login.

We have partnered with a third party specializing in administrative support to assist us with insurance processing. TDC will bill insured patients’ insurance plans as an out of network provider; our reduced fees are competitive with in network providers. Our providers are credentialed with Nevada Medicaid. NyE Communities Coalition has resources to enroll prospective patients. Uninsured patients are welcome to take advantage of our sliding discount fee schedule with proof of income. We also have an in-house discount plan with an average savings of 30%.

Please know that email communication via our website may not be done through a
secure platform. Although it is unlikely, there is a possibility that information you
include in your submission can be intercepted and read by parties other than the
intended recipient. To protect your confidential information, please do not include
personal identifying information such as your birth date or personal medical
information in any emails or website submissions you send to us.